Omoye has a skincare brand named Moye Skin. She opens an Instagram page solely for her brand but there is just one problem: She isn’t known for her wonderful skincare products.

What is she known for? You ask.

Moye Skin is known for leaving comments on gossip blogs consistently and not only that but the page gets into a lot of arguments with other Instagram users. These arguments get so heated to the point of exchanging insults.

The only reason people know her page is because she is notorious for this behaviour and it doesn’t only happen on Instagram.

On Twitter, she is not afraid to share inappropriate tweets on her page. She does this so much that you will never see anything about her business on her page except for her profile.

With all this, Omoye still wonders why no one wants to be involved with her brand. She wonders why Customers refuse to give testimonials or why Influencers run away from her.

How a brand is perceived by customers public, competitors and stakeholders are what brand reputation is all about.

When your brand is perceived as trustworthy, desirable and credible, it signifies you have a good brand reputation thereby resulting in your customers feeling proud to be associated with you.

Here are some reasons why brand reputation matters:

Trust and credibility:

Trust is one of the key factors that influence your customers’ loyalty to you.

When your brand has a good reputation, you earn the trust of your customers in such a way that when anything unusual happens, because they believe in your brand, they will stick around.

This goes a long way for you, especially in the case of an economic recession. In an economic crisis, you will tend to gain a lot of new customers and retain those you already have. This is because customers would rather stay with a brand they can rely on than one they are unsure of and can’t vouch for.


Brand Advocacy:

Customers are the best Brand Ambassadors (you heard that here first). Ads are great but do you know what is just as important? Word of mouth and referrals from customers.

With a good reputation, your brand is sure to stay on the lips of your customers.

The same goes for if your brand reputation is terrible. That same word of mouth will pursue potential customers, especially in this digital age where people are vocal about how they feel when it comes to products or services they have purchased.

This is why you want to work hard on your reputation as a brand.


High Sales Revenue:

Most people consider the services of certain brands not only because of how good their products are but because they want to be associated with a brand that is amazing in terms of how they present itself.

A good reputation gives your brand the opening to charge more for your products or services without many complaints from your customers because they trust you and see your brand as valuable.

Also, when you have a great reputation, your customers will keep coming back. Not only that but they would refer their friends which means you will be getting more orders and sales.



We have a question for you:

If Omoye’s branding was intentional, do you think she would receive more customers on her page or not? If she was known for how professional her brand is and not for gossiping on social media, do you think that would make a difference or not?


If you ever had doubts about the importance of having a good reputation for your brand, we hoped this article helped.

All of this might seem daunting to you. Right now you might think you need help with creating a good brand reputationbecause you don’t know where to start, this is where Legacy PR comes in.

Legacy PR is at your service to help you create a great brand reputation and make sure your brand is one people want to be associated with.

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